

The 2016 Census of Population and Housing: What’s changed and what’s stayed the same?


From: Wednesday July 27, 2016, 5:15 pm

To: Wednesday July 27, 2016, 6:30 pm

Join the Tasmanian Branch of the Economic Society of Australia for a presentation on the 2016 Census of Population and Housing with Georgia Chapman, Tasmanian Census Director from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Tuesday August 9 is Census Night. Census data supports all levels of Government and the community to make informed decisions regarding service provision and infrastructure.

The 2016 Census will be different though. The ABS is aiming to have 65 per cent of households complete the Census online which will save $100m for taxpayers and enable results to be produced two months earlier than previous Censuses. Georgia will talk about what changes are being made to the Census and provide insight into what the Tasmanian Census team are doing to ensure every Tasmanian is counted on Census Night. 


Bookings are now closed


The Murray Room, Treasury Building

21 Murray Street, Hobart TAS 7000

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