GST and Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation - Good for Productivity?
From: Thursday September 1, 2016, 6:00 pm
To: Thursday September 1, 2016, 7:30 pm
In 2016-17, the Commonwealth is budgeted to provide $2.3 billion in GST grants to Tasmania. This is so that Tasmania has the same capacity to deliver services, such as schools and hospitals, as the rest of Australia. GST grants represent 40 per cent of the Tasmanian budget.
Join the Tasmanian Branch of the Economic Society of Australia for a presentation by Dr Alexis Wadsley on the principles of Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation which underpins the GST distribution model and how it may boost productivity. This will be followed by a Chatham House discussion on the more recent debate on GST distribution.
Bookings are now closed
Harvard Room 2, Centenary Building, University of Tasmania
Grosvenor Crescent, Sandy Bay TAS 7005