
TrumpEnomics: The Economics of a Trump Presidency


From: Thursday March 9, 2017, 5:30 pm

To: Thursday March 9, 2017, 7:30 pm

What are the economic origins of the Donald Trump election phenomena and is it part of the wave of voter revolts that include Brexit and the re-emergence of One Nation as a political force in Australia? Is free trade to blame? Or is it wage stagnation and rising inequality? What will a Trump Presidency mean for the world, economically speaking? What will it mean global trade, for economic growth and for financial markets, for income distribution and for the environment?

Join an expert panel as they discuss these questions. For more information, please see this flyer.

This is a free event, all are welcome to attend and there is no need to RSVP.


Centenary Lecture Theatre

UTAS, Sandy Bay Campus, Sandy Bay TAS 7000

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